【ios】 framework分离与合并多种CPU架构


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首先从framework中分离出armv7 arm64,或者还有armv7s
lipo XXXX.framework/XXXX -thin arm64 -output XXXX.framework/XXXX-arm64
lipo XXXX.framework/XXXX -thin armv7 -output XXXX.framework/XXXX-armv7
lipo -create XXXX.framework/XXXX-armv7 XXXX.framework/XXXX-arm64 -output XXXX.framework/XXXX
lipo -info XXXX.framework/XXXX
NOTES: if you cannot add run script phase in your cloud compilation environment, this is the right way to deal with SDK with simulator symbols.

Configuring the Gigaset A510/A540 IP for SIP Registration


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This guide shows you the steps to configure a SIP phone to register with Twilio. If you have any feedback, please feel free to leave comments here.

Here’s the steps you can follow up to set it up on your end. The main reference is from this link,
Please follow this first, and I will just highlight the points you may need to pay attention to.
1. Register your SIP Endpoint
 Please make sure include us1 in the domain,
{domain-name}.sip.us1.twilio.com – (North America Virginia)
2. Launch the sample webapp to Heroku
You can deploy your own Webapp for free in under 5 minutes that let’s your SIP Endpoint call the Public Telephone Network. If you don’t have one already you can sign up for a free Heroku account.
Click and deploy, that’s it.
3. Receiving calls on your registered SIP Endpoint
Create a TwiML Bin here with the following content,
Note: yourusername in the previous TwiML example MUST match one of the usernames specified in your Console’s SIP Registration Credential Lists.
Note that if you have multiple SIP Endpoints registered under the same AOR, so please register one AOR for each Phone/restaurant, then all devices will ring simultaneously. See Limits.
4. Configure Gigaset A540 IP
Detailed configurations are attached as screen shots.
Few things to highlight,
Under Connections, make sure Authentication name, Authentication password and Username is the same name with your credential configured in twilio.com; Select Network Protocol, select TCP only
Under Audio tap, leave G.711 u law and G.729 there
For Advanced VoIP Settings, choose DTMF as RFC 2833.
The details are attached here from the few screen shots.

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

投资界的FA(财务顾问) or 拉皮条?


FA在投资界,其意思为财务顾问,英语Financial Advisor的 缩写,别名”新型投资银行“,其核心作用是为企业融资提供第三方的专业服务。财务顾问在企业融资和发展的过程中,起到了举足轻重的作用。像京东、聚美优品都成长过程中,基本都有专业化的FA在服务。FA绝对不是到处发小广告一样的拉皮条,真正靠谱的FA甚至要比投资经理更懂得投资。




FA 的价值


· 帮你梳理融资的故事



3) 为项目融资规划提出专业化的建议,比如何时融资应该何时,第一轮对二轮融资多少合适,估值该定多少。

· 帮你对接合适的投资人

1) 介绍最可能理解你的机构和机构里面合适的项目经理,减少鸡同鸭讲的概率;


· 帮你从头至尾协调从协议到交割的所有流程

1) 作为一名知心姐姐在你在屡战屡败的投资人哪里,舒缓你的情绪,给予信心;



对投资行业缺少基本的认识,不了解投资人的工作方式和偏好。接到项目后就满大街的散发。如果发现你的BP在各种群、论坛里流传,就要小心遇到伪FA咯。 你想想,大街上叫唤的卖奢侈品的你会信吗?

收取高额的前期费用。业界专业的FA是后期收费的, 帮你融资前不会收取费用的,因为在接单的时候,他就有很大把握可以融到资了。当然,专业的FA,对项目也会有严格的尽调,把握很小的项目不轻易接。可想而知,如果你作为FA推给投资人的都是那些所谓世界独一无二的项目,长了投资人还会看你的邮件吗?










1. WebRTC原生视频采集



由于平台相关性,WebRtcVideoCapturer仍然不是视频采集的真正实现,它创建一个VideoCaptureModule接口对象来完成真正的视频采集工作。该抽象接口是视频采集的实现接口,最终在Windows平台下由VideoCaptureDS(传统的DirectShow方式)和VideoCaptureMF(Vista之后的Media Foundation API实现方式)来实现采集工作。这里要说明一下VideoCaptureMF在WebRTC中还是个空架子,还未真正实现,如果读者对Media Foundation API实现视频采集感兴趣,可以参考Chromium的media库中VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin类实现。


VideoSource是WebRTC对VideoSourceInterface接口的实现, 它容纳一个VideoCapturer对象做为视频采集源,VideoRenderer是供外部从VideoSource中获取视频帧数据。此外VideoSource还依赖ChannelManager对象,使用它所包含的CaptureManager来负责视频的采集任务。VideoSource在创建的时候就会调用 Initialize方法中调用ChannelManager的StartVideoCapture方法开始采集视频数据。CaptureManager内部为每个VideoCapturer对象维护了一个CaptureRenderAdapter,CaptureRenderAdapter在创建的时候将OnVideoFrame成员方法挂接上VideoCapturer的SignalVideoFrame信号来实时接收采集源传送过来的视频帧数据,OnVideoFrame内部将接收到的视频帧数据分发给向其注册的VideoRenderer对象(VideoRenderer对象的注册的流程是VideoSource到ChannelManager,再到CaptureManager,最后注册到CaptureRenderAdapter与特定的VideoCapturer关联)。



2. Chromium对WebRTC的视频采集适配














MediaStream概念: 表示媒体流,由MediaStreamInterface接口抽象,每个媒体流都有一个唯一的标识(通过label成员方法返回),它由一系列的音频Track(由AudioTrackInterface接口抽象)和视频Track组成(由VideoTrackInterface接口抽象)。




构建媒体流的过程基本上就是构建Video Track和Audio Track,并将其添加到Media Stream里。在peerconnection_client工程中,Conductor依赖DeviceManagerInterface接口的CreateVideoCapturer方法创建一个当前可用的视频设备采集对象VideoCapturer,将它作为视频采集源中的数据来源(通过挂接VideoCapturer的SignalVideoFrame信号来接收视频数据),此外MainWnd还创建了一个内部类VideoRenderer从VideoRendererInterface接口派生,并将其添加到Video Track中, VideoRenderer的实现就是将接收到的视频帧数据渲染到窗口上。





WebRTC是HTML5支持的重要特性之一,有了它,不再需要借助音视频相关的客户端,直接通过浏览器的Web页面就可以实现音视频对聊功能。而且WebRTC项目是开源的,我们可以借助WebRTC源码快速构建自己的音视频对聊功能。无论是使用前端JS的WebRTC API接口,还是在WebRTC源码上构建自己的对聊框架,都需要遵循以下执行流程:

上述序列中,WebRTC并不提供Stun服务器和Signal服务器,服务器端需要自己实现。Stun服务器可以用google提供的实现stun协议的测试服务器(stun:stun.l.google.com:19302),Signal服务器则完全需要自己实现了,它需要在ClientA和ClientB之间传送彼此的SDP信息和candidate信息,ClientA和ClientB通过这些信息建立P2P连接来传送音视频数据。由于网络环境的复杂性,并不是所有的客户端之间都能够建立P2P连接,这种情况下就需要有个relay服务器做音视频数据的中转,本文本着源码剖析的态度,这种情况就不考虑了。这里说明一下, stun/turn、relay服务器的实现在WebRTC源码中都有示例,真是个名副其实的大宝库。


  • ClientA首先创建PeerConnection对象,然后打开本地音视频设备,将音视频数据封装成MediaStream添加到PeerConnection中。
  • ClientA调用PeerConnection的CreateOffer方法创建一个用于offer的SDP对象,SDP对象中保存当前音视频的相关参数。ClientA通过PeerConnection的SetLocalDescription方法将该SDP对象保存起来,并通过Signal服务器发送给ClientB。
  • ClientB接收到ClientA发送过的offer SDP对象,通过PeerConnection的SetRemoteDescription方法将其保存起来,并调用PeerConnection的CreateAnswer方法创建一个应答的SDP对象,通过PeerConnection的SetLocalDescription的方法保存该应答SDP对象并将它通过Signal服务器发送给ClientA。
  • ClientA接收到ClientB发送过来的应答SDP对象,将其通过PeerConnection的SetRemoteDescription方法保存起来。
  • 在SDP信息的offer/answer流程中,ClientA和ClientB已经根据SDP信息创建好相应的音频Channel和视频Channel并开启Candidate数据的收集,Candidate数据可以简单地理解成Client端的IP地址信息(本地IP地址、公网IP地址、Relay服务端分配的地址)。
  • 当ClientA收集到Candidate信息后,PeerConnection会通过OnIceCandidate接口给ClientA发送通知,ClientA将收到的Candidate信息通过Signal服务器发送给ClientB,ClientB通过PeerConnection的AddIceCandidate方法保存起来。同样的操作ClientB对ClientA再来一次。
  • 这样ClientA和ClientB就已经建立了音视频传输的P2P通道,ClientB接收到ClientA传送过来的音视频流,会通过PeerConnection的OnAddStream回调接口返回一个标识ClientA端音视频流的MediaStream对象,在ClientB端渲染出来即可。同样操作也适应ClientB到ClientA的音视频流的传输。


Redis vs. MongoDB Performance


MongoDB is an open source document database, and the leading NoSQL database which is written in C++ and Redis is also an open source NoSQL database but it is key-value store rather than document database. Redis is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets.

Here’s a simple benchmark in node.js to compare the performance between Redis and MongoDB. The benchmark compares the time of writing and reading for both. For Redis I used node.js Redis client and for MongoDB I used node.js MongoDB driver

And here’s the code

In case of redis:

var redis = require("redis") 
,	client = redis.createClient() 
,	numberOfElements = 50000; 


function redisWrite () { 
   for (var i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++) { 
	 client.set(i, "some fantastic value " + i,function(err,data){ 
	   if (--i === 0) { 

function redisRead(){ 
 client = redis.createClient(); 
 for (var i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++) { 
       client.get(i, function (err, reply) { 
         if (--i === 0) { 

In case of MongoDB:

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient 
, numberOfElements=50000;    

MongoClient.connect('mongodb://', function(err, db) { 
   var collection = db.collection('benchmark'); 
   collection.ensureIndex({id:1},{} ,console.log); 
   collection.remove({}, function(err) { // to remove any element from the database at first 

function mongoWrite(collection,db){ 
  for (var i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++) { 
        collection.insert({id:i,value:"some fantastic value " + i}, function(err, docs) { 

function mongoRead(collection,db){ 
 for (var i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++) { 
       collection.findOne({id:i},function(err, results) { 

Results were measured using MongoDB 2.4.8 and Redis 2.6.16

Machine Specifications

  • Processor : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz
  • Memory : 3892MB
  • Operating System : Ubuntu 13.04
  • Kernel -Version : Linux 3.8.0-33-generic (x86_64)
Redis Read Mongo Read Redis Write Mongo Write
10 2 5 5 8
100 13 11 8 34
1,000 38 93 31 153
10,000 238 980 220 1394
50,000 958 5218 979 8713

Calculated time in milliseconds (lower is better)

Form results we can see that both Mongo and Redis have almost equal time in case of small number of entries but when this number increases, Redis has remarkable superiority over mongo.

The results will vary according to your programming language and also according to the specifications of your machine.

Installing Tomcat 8 on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

The Servlet 4.0 specification is out and Tomcat 9.0.x will support it. However, at this point Tomcat 8.0.x is the best Tomcat version and it is supporting the 3.1 Servlet Spec.

Since OS X 10.7 Java is not (pre-)installed anymore, let’s fix that first.

Prerequisite: Java

As I’m writing this, Java 8u45 is the latest version, available for download here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html

The JDK installer package come in an dmg and installs easily on the Mac; and after opening the Terminal app again,

java -version

now shows something like this:

java version "1.8.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)

Whatever you do, when opening Terminal and running java -version, you should see something like this, with a version of at least 1.7.x I.e. Tomcat 8.x requires Java 7 or later.

sudo is a program for Unix-like operating systems, allowing you to run programs with the security privileges of another user (normally the superuser, or root). Since we are creating directories, outside of your home folder, administrator right are required. I.e., when executing sudo you will be asked to enter your password; and your Mac User account needs to be an ‘Admin’ account.

JAVA_HOME is an important environment variable, not just for Tomcat, and it’s important to get it right. Here is a trick that allows me to keep the environment variable current, even after a Java Update was installed. In ~/.bash_profile, I set the variable like so:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

Installing Tomcat

Here are the easy to follow steps to get it up and running on your Mac

  1. Download a binary distribution of the core module: apache-tomcat-8.0.22.tar.gz from here. I picked the tar.gz in Binary Distributions / Core section.
  2. Opening/unarchiving the archive will create a folder structure in your Downloads folder: (btw, this free Unarchiver app is perfect for all kinds of compressed files and superior to the built-in Archive Utility.app)
  3. Open to Terminal app to move the unarchived distribution to /usr/local
    sudo mkdir -p /usr/local
    sudo mv ~/Downloads/apache-tomcat-8.0.22 /usr/local
  4. To make it easy to replace this release with future releases, we are going to create a symbolic link that we are going to use when referring to Tomcat (after removing the old link, you might have from installing a previous version):
    sudo rm -f /Library/Tomcat
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.22 /Library/Tomcat
  5. Change ownership of the /Library/Tomcat folder hierarchy:
    sudo chown -R <your_username> /Library/Tomcat
  6. Make all scripts executable:
    sudo chmod +x /Library/Tomcat/bin/*.sh

Tomcat 8.x

Instead of using the start and stop scripts, like so:

47 wolf:~$ /Library/Tomcat/bin/startup.sh
Using CATALINA_BASE: /Library/Tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /Library/Tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /Library/Tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
Using CLASSPATH: /Library/Tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/Library/Tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Tomcat started.
48 wolf:~$ /Library/Tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh
Using CATALINA_BASE: /Library/Tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /Library/Tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /Library/Tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
Using CLASSPATH: /Library/Tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/Library/Tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
49 wolf:~$

you may also want to check out Activata’s Tomcat Controller, a tiny freeware app, providing a UI to quickly start/stop Tomcat. It may not say so, but Tomcat Controller works on OS X 10.10 just fine.

Finally, after your started Tomcat, open your Mac’s Web browser and take a look at the default page: http://localhost:8080

Reference: https://wolfpaulus.com/jounal/mac/tomcat8/

MySQL – Connect to your database remotely

This tutorial will walk you through setting up a user on your MySQL server to connect remotely.

The following items are assumed:

  • You have access to login as the ‘root’ MySQL user


Getting your IP address

You will need to know what the IP address you are connecting from. To find this you can go to one of the following sites:

Granting Access

Granting access to a user from a remote host is fairly simple and can be accomplished from just a few steps. First you will need to login to your MySQL server as the root user. You can do this by typing the following command:

# mysql -u root -p

This will prompt you for your MySQL root password.

Once you are logged into MySQL you need to issue the GRANT command that will enable access for your remote user. In this example we will be creating a brand new user (fooUser) that will have full access to the fooDatabase database.

Keep in mind that this statement is not complete and will need some items changed. Please change to the IP address that we obtained above. You will also need to change my_password with the password that you would like to use for fooUser.

mysql> GRANT ALL ON fooDatabase.* TO fooUser@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password';

This statement will grant ALL permissions to the newly created user fooUser with a password of ‘my_password’ when they connect from the IP address

Testing Remotely

Now you can test your connection remotely. You can access your MySQL server from another Linux server:

# mysql -u fooUser -p -h
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 17
Server version: 5.0.45 Source distribution

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> _

Note that the IP of our MySQL server is in this example.


There are a few things to note when setting up these remote users:

  • When setting up users a local user is not the same thing as a remote user. For instance fooUser@localhost is not the same as fooUser@ You will have to duplicate permissions if you want them to have the same permissions.
  • Granting ALL permissions is not advised. Using GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE is a wise alternative for a normal user.
  • If you would like to grant only to a specific table you can use database.table instead of database.*. In respect to our example above you could put fooDatabase.fooTable.
  • If you are using iptables you will need to make an entry in your firewall for TCP port 3306. When creating your firewall rule you can simply use the name ‘mysql’ for the port number. Search our wiki for iptables and you will find a list of common rule sets which include an entry for MySQL.




Javascript for Geospatial and Advanced Maps


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Source: http://codepen.io/stevepepple/blog/javascript-geospatial-examples

A look at the latest web tools for geospatial analysis and advanced maps by@stevepepple

In the past year, a wealth of new web tools have emerged to help with web-based GIS and spatial analysis.

While Google, ArcGIS, and Nokia have long provided APIs for maps with analysis feature, they can be expensive, onerous to learn, and lock the map developer to a single map solution.

There are now a number of useful and modular Javascript libraries for doing GIS, spatial statistics, and cartography.

Many of the tools I’ll discussed our built in cooperation with Mapbox, Cloud Made, and MapZen. However, I specifically want to discuss simple tools for specific goals, not products or platforms. A fantastic new library, Turf.js (by MapBox), covers many of these topics, but there are plenty of other libraries that provide the same features and more. These tools can be added as packages to Node.js or used for analysis in a web browser. Data visualization libraries like D3.js and Processing are invaluable for displaying and interacting with the results of these GIS function. I also could write a long post about all the cool libraries for cartography and map presentation with Leafet.js.

With all this said, here’s a list of GIS functionality and examples:

3D & Geometry

Three.js is a Javascript library for geometric and mesh object. Three GeoJSON provides a simple way to render GeoJSON objects on 3D planes and spheres. Here’s an example:

Sylvester is a library for geometry, vector, and matrix math in Javascript.

The OSM Buildings project allows the map designer to represent buildings as 3D objects on a 2D map. The project uses OpenLayers and Leaflet. Here is an example by Tom Holderness who used OSM Buildings to map London.

Example of OSM Buildings

Distance and Measurement

Geolib provide distance (and estimated time) calculation between two latitude-latitude coordinates. A handy feature of Geolib is orderByDistance, which sorts a list/array by distance. The library supports elevation as well.


Turf.js provides a distance function to calculate the great-circle distance betwen points. It also calculates area, distance along a path, and midpoint between points.

Geo Features

Leaflet is simply the best option for working with the display of points, symbols, and all types of features on web and mobile devices. The library supports rectangles, circles, polygons, points, custom markers, and a wide variety of layers. It performs quickly, handles a variety of formats, and makes styling of map features easy.

Turf.js is a library from Mapbox for geospatial analysis. One of the great features of Turf is that you can create a collection of features and then spatial analyze, modify (geoprocess), and simply it before using Leaflet to present the data. Here’s an example of Leaflet and Turf in action:

Geolib and Turf both calculate the path length, feature center, points inside a feature

Simple Map D3 creates choropleths and other symbology by simply defining a geojson object and data attribute.

There’s a plugin for Leaflet.js for geocoding called Geo Search that allows the developer to choose between the ArcGIS, Google, and OpenStreetMaps geocoder.

Felipe Oliveira’s Geo for Node.js is a geocoding library that uses Google’s Geocode API for geocoding and reverse geocoding. And it supports GeoHash.

Turf.js has a filter funciton, which can be used to find a feature (by attribute) that matches a name or value.

Geofencing and GPS

The HTML5 Geolocation API provides a simple method getting a devices location (with user permission). Using this coordiante there are a number of libraries for calculating if this coordinate is inside a circle or other shape. Here’s an example by Jim Ing that pulls the elements together:


Turf.js provides tools for clipping data, merging data, disolving data, and returning intersection or union of two data sets. The library also can manipulate and invert features. Turf even uses Vladimir Agafonkin’s Simply.js to perform polyline simplification.

Ben Southgate’ d3.geo.exploder allows to transition geographic features (geoJSON) to another shape, like a grid or a scatter plot.d3.geo.exploder

(There are many other geo utilties that I link to at the end of this article.)

Heat maps

I’ve already praised Leaflet, but also wanted to show an example of the Leaflet Heat Map plugin.

Network Analysis

Mike Dewars’ book on D3.js, Getting Started with D3, include a number of examples of using D3 with maps and spatial analysis. One of the more interesting examples is creating a directed graph of the New York Metro, which is done by analyzing the Google Transit specification for MTA with NetworkX.

The next example of geo points take the output of network analysis and visualized it on a geographic map. In this case I used Felix Kling’s Javascript port of NetworkX to calculate the centrality and degree of each transit stop in the network.


Turf.js provides a number of different operations for points, including finding the centroid point in a feature and creating a rectangle or polygon that encompases all points. Turf provides many statistics for a collection of point, such as the average based on value of each point. Turf also provides some excellent spatial analysis funcitons for points, which I’ll in the last section..

Leaflet.js is great for visualizing the results from Turf or a collection of points that is large. The library itself handles hundreds of points and there are plugins like Marker Cluster and Mask Canvas for handling hundreds of thousands of points.

Here’s an example of display a few hundred points using leaflet:


As with Geocoding, there are a myriad routing services, but they will cost you. The Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) Instance by MapZen provides a free service for routing car, bicycle, and pedestrian direction. Transit Mix cleverly uses the OSRM Routing tool for creating routes in their excellent transportation planning tool.

Example of Transit Mix using OSRM routing

Spatial Analysis

Turf.js provide a number of spatial analysis functions including buffers, classification, interpolation, Triangulated irregular networks (TINs). One really nice feature is the ability to spatial join data using Turf tag.

I’m excited to see Turf and other library continue to produce exploratory analysis tools for kernel density, spatial distribution, elevation, path selection, viewsheds, and so forth.

Here’s an example of using Turf.js to try out spatial analysis on tens of thousands of Points of Interest in the Los Angeles area:


  • Polymaps is a Javascript library for dynamic, interactive maps. It uses SVG and can be easily styled with CSS
  • CartoDB is an open source tool that allows for the storage and visualization of geospatial data on the web
  • shp conversa Shapefile (and dbf?) to GeoJSON.
  • TopoJSON format
  • ToGeoJSON (https://github.com/mapbox/togeojson) converts KML & GPX to GeoJSON, in a browser or with nodejs.
  • Mapstraction is a service that acts as a common API between ArcGIS, Google, Leaflet, Nokia, CloudMade, and several other making services.
  • Doug McCune’s shp2stl converts geo data into 3D models that can be rendered or 3D printed.
  • MetaCRS and Proj4js convert between coordinate systems
  • Geo5 for geo-related HTML5 documents, including offline maps for mobile applications. http://geo5.org/#intro